Our First deal: Yarmouth, ME

JP Morgan Portfolio
Baltimore Conversion (“The Lux”) – $18.3MM
Our first Historic Tax Credit deal, paving the way for many HTC transactions to follow

The Reserve – $8.5MM
Our first, of many, deals in Kansas City, a market that we previously didn’t really pay attention to but has become one of the stronger MF markets that we do business in; Another State and Federal HTC transaction
Utah State Student Housing (“The Factory”) – $20.5MM
We stepped in on a stalled, ground-up construction project where the previous lender fell down / backed out; UC’s first ground-up construction deal as the primary construction lender (i.e. First Mortgage position)

Pickwick – $29,850,000
First mortgage in Kansas City; very substantial renovation project in KC
4000 CT Ave – $63,500,000
First mortgage in Washington, D.C. our largest loan to date

ONE CLUB Gulf Shores
complete asset repositioning and renovation into the region’s premier resort community, combining condos, apartments, golf course, restaurants, and gorgeous amenities in area of the market that has transformed from vacation location to year-round living
The Garage – $27MM
UC stepped in after two separate first mortgage lenders backed out, unable to get their arms around the tax credit structure; Conversion of a historic parking garage into Class A apartments, luxury condos and ground floor retail; Federal and State historic tax credits in the heart of New Orleans

Fisher Building – $36MM
Beautiful historic building in Detroit, landmark and trophy asset